Hello to all the SSER fans: I am really pleased to be in Japan, Today is my second day here and Yamada-san loaned me his TTR 125 so I
could get used to riding on the left hand side of the road. It isn't easy to become accustomed to the Japanese road system for a Canadian. In Canada we have
wide roads and lots of room to decide what you are going to do, in Japan things happen quickly even if the speeds are lower. I rode up into the hills near the
SSER headquarters on the small roads. TOON city reminds me of the Vosges Mountain area in Eastern France. Both regions have many small roads and villages
plus beautiful mountains.
I bought some gas at a station, Eneos I think. The station attendant was really polite and patient, even if I didn't know exactly what I
was doing he made sure everything was all right and I didn't put diesel fuel in the Yamaha. Don't laugh, I know some guys who put 'autogas' in their
gasoline-powered rental car years ago in Spain at the ISDE and it was diesel, what a mess!
We just put on some new Continental Tires on the BMW I will ride plus Yuko, a member of the SSER staff, made some numbers for my helmet....
Domo arigato Yuko. We had lunch in a Sushi restaurant, it is fast, fast food here because it is on a track that moves in front of you as you sit at a bar,
very good idea! but you have to be quick or the sushi passes you by.
The SSER staff are all busy making the last preparations for the Tour de Blue Island, everyone's doing something. The trucks are getting
loaded full of food, and supplies, Kumiko is making beans for the welcome party tonight.
Here's a funny story...in March my wife, daughter and I went to a place in Canada called Isles de La Madeleine in Quebec. We went there to
see the baby seals on the ice floes.I was pleasantly surprised to see that most of the international visitors were from Japan!
When I met a Japanese person in Les Isles I asked them if they knew Roland Kirishima who I met in 2005 at the B To UB, guess what? The
person knew him! I thought he was a fun guy at the B to UB I didn't realize he is so famous in Japan.
Another well-known Japanese person who is coming to the Tour is Sugawara-san, I saw him last January in Lisbon at the Dakar, I spoke with
Teru there... it was a sad day for everyone when the Dakar was cancelled.
I met a really interesting guy in Mongolia last August, his name is Ken but we called him Astro-physics guy! He is going to be joining the
Tour de Blue Island which is cool because he speaks English. I want to see what he is up to and ask him if he can explain the universe to me. I think it will
have to be the condensed version as I can imagine that is a big question to answer!
One of the most significant things I have learned on my trip is to have a very deep respect for the many Japanese travellers you see all over
the world. Travelling in Japan is fun but challenging, Iam glad that Yamada-san has looked after me as I would be lost without the SSER support team. I hope
when you guys travel you are treated to the same hospitality that I have been offered!
Thank you to everyone who has supported me to
come and ride on the Blue Island!
Cheers Lawrence