SSER ORGANISATION,そこに集うオフィシャルスタッフは百戦錬磨の戦士という訳ではありません。しかし驚くほどの高いモチベーションとセルフマネジメント能力を身につけた最高の男達です。(女性もいます。) 例えばあなたもSSER ORGANISATIONのOFFICIAL STAFFとしての参加も可能です。あのガストン・ライエも、ある時はSSERのOFFICIAL STAFFであるという事実。それがわたしたちの考えるORGANISATION(組織)のあるべき姿なのです。
We spelled the word "soshiki" as ORGANISATION, from the French. This is due to the facts that France was the birthplace of the cross-country rally (rally ride) and that many of these races are run by Frenchmen. Constructing an organization seems relatively simple, but actually it is a series of various difficulties. Because individuals with different value systems are assembled to work together for a large objective, they cannot be joined together as for ordinary work. However, if we say that this is supported by a common aesthetic, this may well be too difficult to understand. There is nothing that provides a more pleasant feeling of unity than proceeding with work together with organizations that understand what we should do now.
These official staff members of SSER are always working surprisingly hard behind the scenes supporting the rally. These men maintain a surprisingly high level of motivation and have developed the highest capacity for self management. (There are also women on the staff.) For example, you too can participate as SSER ORGANISATION official staff. It is a fact that Gaston Rahier is also SSER official staff at certain times. That is the shape that the organization we are thinking of should take.