SSERとは「Shikoku Super Enduro Rally」 の頭文字をとったものです。1985年に「四国スーパーエンデューロラリー2日間」(開催地:愛媛県久万町)を開催、途中「YUSUHARA 2days Enduro」(開催地:高知県檮原町)などを開催いたしました。現在このイベントは3daysとなって久万高原町で継続して開催されています。
こうして国際格式のイベントに踏み出すことにより実行委員会はORGANISATIONと変わりSSER ORGANISATIONと呼ぶようになります。ちなみにORGANISATIONはフランス語です。英語ではORGANIZATIONです。わたしたちはラリーレイドなどの発祥のフランスに敬意を表し、このようにフランス語表記をしております。また海外ラリーなどの主だった表現もフランス語を使うことが少なくありません。
21世紀、SSERはこうしたオートバイやクルマで挑戦するという夢をさらに具体化していくそうした団体として存在したいと思います。 また2010年、一部をNPO化しNPO-SSERとして先の東日本大震災には発生直後より石巻市に拠点を置き、いちはやく暖かい食事を安定供給する体制を整えるなどラリーで培った人間関係と能力をいかんなく発揮しております。 |

Hello. We are SSER, Japan’s largest competition operating organization running rallies and other motor sport competitions. SSER has been holding competitions inside and outside Japan, primarily for motorcycles, since 1980.
SSER is the acronym for “Shikoku Super Enduro Rally”.
In 1985, SSER held the “Shikoku Super Enduro 2-Day Rally” (in Kumacho, Ehime Prefecture) and along the way held events such as the “Yusuhara 2-Day Enduro” (in Yusuharacho, Kochi Prefecture). Nowadays, this event runs for 3 days and continues to be held at Kumakogencho.
The locations for our competitions have expanded beyond the boundaries of Shikoku, but we continue to carry out our activities with the same original enthusiasm under the name of “SSER”, which is familiar to so many people.
In those days, the organization name for SSER was the “Shikoku Super Enduro Rally Executive Committee”.
From 1989, with special sponsorship from the Nisseki Corporation (as it was known then), we held the “Nisseki Tour de Blue Island” traveling over all of Shikoku, and in 1995, with the cooperation of the Mongolian government, we held the “Nisseki Rally Raid Mongoll.
Because it started to hold international events, the name of the executive committee was changed from Organisation to SSER Organisation.
By the way, “organisation” is French. In English, it is “organization”. We chose this name in French an expression of respect toward France, which is the birth place of rallies, raids, and similar competitions. There are also many rallies overseas that have French names.
We have continued to hold a wide range of rallies within Japan, including the Tour de Nippon (2003 through 2005), Hokkaido 4 Days, and Kyushu 4 Days.
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What was most important in the background to this was the active participation from 1988 onward of Team SSER in the Paris-Dakar Rally and other overseas rallies.
We strongly feel that as is true in all sports, in rallies friendships form across national boundaries and delicate human relationships are developed.
Through these activities, we want to serve the role of strongly transmitting the wonderful function that motor sports have in making us think about the regional environment, then the global environment, and in creating harmony with the people who live there.
The history of SSER already stretches longer than a quarter century and the rally events we have held inside and outside Japan are too numerous to count. We have also participated in many world-scale rallies and made many friends around the world. Next, we want to ask what we can do though this network.
In addition to such rallies, SSER also did such adventure travels as riding the entire length of the Qinghai-Tibet Road, which reaches the base camp of Chomolungma (Mt. Everest), and riding across the Taklamakan and Lop Nor deserts.
In the 21st century, SSER intends to be an organization that realizes dreams like these motorcycle and automobile challenges.
Also, in 2010, we converted part of SSER into an NPO and as NPO-SSER, immediately after the recent massive earthquake in eastern Japan, we set up a base in Ishinomaki City and quickly established a system for stable provision of warm food, making full use of the human relationships and skills we have developed through rallies. |