“Last Letter to Gaston” Dear Gaston; I have something to report you.
I am very glad to say that Natalie, your daughter, keeps in touch with me. It has been a year since then. The person who sent that message was Natalie; on that morning, I received a short fax message. What the message said is too shocking for me to describe my feeling even now.
By the way, what I would like to report you is about the latest message from Natalie. According to it, you wanted to give me your riding wear that you had worn when you had won first place for the first time in Paris-Dakar rally in 1984. It goes without saying that this offer very surprised and impressed me.
Paris-Dakar rally was completed without any trouble this year. The starting place was Lisbon. Whenever I hear the news on the rally, it reminds me that you used to say, “The best starting place was absolutely Paris!” You and I were both the first generation to be unable to call this rally, “Dakar”. This is no wonder, since it is not too much to say that my youthful memories existed with the Paris-Dakar rally.
I was 24 years old when this rally started in 1979. Nobody except me knew that such a rally as to pass through the Sahara was held. In 1984, when I fanned the flame of my passion, I watched on TV that Gaston was going the Tenere Desert on his motorcycle. At that time, I was almost 30 years and almost got the power to realize my dream.
Though the font of the numbers on a number card at that time was not as sophisticated as that of modern, which was a thick block type and similar to the numbers on American football uniforms, I would look longing at those numbers on the rally cars and riders’ chests for unexpected reasons. Can you understand how I was impressed when I got the chance to possibly get your ware?
I saw exactly that you was riding such a machine as to run through the Tenere Desert and fully smiling while rising your both arms on high and making a V sign on the podium of the Paris-Dakar rally. At that moment, I just remembered one thing; I think it was in 1972 when Japan MX competition in Matsuyama was held. Yes, it was the one that you made a debut and started from the MX place, just a few kilometers away from my house. This short rider was in SUZUKI’s tent, I shook hands with him and got his autograph and off-brand MX tires he had used for exercises. But this short rider, who was actually you, finished in second place in the final race. When you got to a pit, you raised your both arms several times, made a V sign, hugged with mechanics and Natalie’s mother, who is also your wife, in a tent, and then started talking like a machine gun.
I absolutely realized very soon that your machine running through the Tenere Desert was BMW. This BMW was painted with a beautiful Marlboro-color-graphics and you also wore the Marlboro-color-racing suits next year. Not only at the present day but also at that time, cladding in the Marlboro-color-suit meant the title of Sir to be given only chosen people, so that that suit seemed to give a coercive impression and be shining. That was exactly you, who were suitable to be called “A Little Big Man”.
I heard that BMW would sell the special edition motorcycle with your autograph whose model name was BMW80G/S Paris-Dakar. I could not afford to buy it at that time though only the small number of it was shipped, because I just started the event of SSER and saddled with debt for it. Even so, my mind was full of longings. Finally, that machine come into my hands not so late as if being led by something. The machine had an autograph on its tank, which was definitely yours but different from the one for 1972 slightly. I had met you many times in various ways since then. It was always dramatic. In addition, 80G/S was such a machine as to knock the bottom out of my past experiences, such a cherished machine. I can say that it was exactly the cultural shock. Those brilliant chances to meet you many times made my life extremely different.
In winter 1987, I was in Paris to participate in Paris-Dakar Rally for the first time. It was the 10th competition. What is amazing was that the starting point was the Palace of Versailles. We participated in it with 4 motorcycles, 1 rally car and 1supporting car with great fanfare. I feel bashful as I recall now. We, 4 riders, ordered the rider suits made by APICO of Britain, the same as yours. And APICO asked us to pick them up at your office near by the Charles de Gaulle International Airport, so that we visited there.
It was 1987, that was the time when the 9th competition was held; you yielded the palm to NXR and come in third. And then BMW closed its own work team. It might have been the time when you offered SUZUKI to which you had belong in frustration and made efforts to set up DR-750Z as a rally machine for the Desert. Though you changed your machine, your state as a Marlboro rider had never been changed. I clearly remember that Mr. Masuoka, who is a great rider to compete in the world-class rally these days, participated in it with a Pajero for the first time as your quick supporter and you appropriated a part of a budget of your team for him. It was also impressive that proper supporting parts were not loaded in his machine. In your later life, you said to me, ‘I‘m sure that the machine I rode in that year must have been perfect rally machine after 2 more years!’ And you also told me that you felt really frustrated that SUZUKI had retreated from the rally after that.
The 22-days-rally those days was extremely harsh. I met you who were repairing your machine through the night in the stage towards Tamanrasset, over 1000 km. You said to me, ‘Just go.’ When I saw you next time, I had no idea how and where you recovered a loss, you started on the shore as a member of the top group. I remember that you placed in the ninth in that year. I met you several times later in rallies. When I met you in Paris-Beijing Rally of 1992, you, Sugawara-san (Mr. Sugawara) and I ate instant noodles on a load-carrying platform of his Kamion together at Bivouac.
In 1999, where I met you again was Seoul and you were taking part in Rally Raid Mongol. We were raughty with several friends till late at night and ripped off by a bar, but we all felt happy even in such a bad situation. It was not exaggerated that we would not have such a pleasurable and delightful night so many times. When you rode on XR400R in Ulanbaatar, you loved it so much and told me that you had ridden a HONDA motorcycle in a race. I still don’t know whether you just joked or you and that HONDA motorcycle are actually listed in a record of a race. Anyway, you really loved Mongol. You told in terms of high praise that not only views of Mongol but also the management, which gave a strong impression of the Paris-Dakar Rally at early days, was brilliant. After the rally, you willingly and too easily consented my offer to take you, Gaston, to Japan and hold a meeting again. I went to Kansai International Airport to pick you up by car. I used to travel around Japan with you very often year after year. Those who know you very much honor not only your achievement but also your excellent character. I don’t know such a friendly and kind person except you.
I was embraced when you told me that you were eager to join TDN2004. Because I thought that it was slightly difficult to do it for you who were fighting against cancer. But unfortunately, I believed that you had bet cancer when you appeared with Mr. Sugawara at Huis Ten Bosch (an amusement park) in Nagasaki and when I saw a new KTM car and you who were wearing one of a lot of the riding wares delivered. During the Rally-Cross in Ashibetsu, when I took you injured to a hospital, I heard that you explained the condition of your disease to your doctor and came to Japan with sparing a little time to cure and rode in the race. When I saw you the last time, I just saw the back of you on the porch of Tokyo Prince Hotel, who were getting in the car of Mr. Sugawara’s wife coming to pick you up. On the 8th of February in 2005, less than one year after that…
We have lost you, such a real teacher on life and our much-loved friend hard to replace. I felt your sign of presence by all attendees observing a moment of silence in Gaston Rahier Meeting of 2005.
Now, we are just trying to create the place to get together to admire you, Gaston Rahier. We are not sure whether it is successful, but we have been doing our best. What do you think that I will not hold Gaston Rahier Meeting until that place is established? I imagine that you would say, ‘Oh, Don’t say that! Carry on the meeting, please!’ because I know that you could not stand being alone. Gaston, you told a lot of people and us “what is life” through your riding in various situations when you were young, in Paris-Dakar Rally and in later life. You might well compete in riding with Mr. Thierry Sabine and the other your young friends who went over to the majority and speaking like a machine gun in the other world.
2006.02.08 YAMADA Tetsu
 「ガストンに送る最後の手紙」 親愛なるガストン、報告があります。大変嬉しいことに、あなたのお嬢さんのナタリーからよく連絡を頂いています。もうあれから1年が経ちました。その時の知らせを送ってくれたのもナタリーでした。あの朝オフィスに行くと短い文面のFAX。あの衝撃はいまだに深く、言葉にできないほどです。
そのBMWから、あなたのサインが入ったスペシャルエディションが発売されるのを知りましたBMW80G/S Paris-Dakarというのがそのモデル名、わずかばかりのデリバリーだというのに当時のボクにそれを買う力がありませんでした。SSERというイベントを立ち上げたばかりでしたから多額の負債を抱えていました。それにしても憧憬は募るばかりでした。そしてそのマシンは遅くないうちに、何かに導かれるようにボクの手元にやってきました。タンクには72年の時のサインとは少し違うものの、紛れもなくあなたのサインがありました。あなたとの衝撃的な出会いはボクにとってはこうしていろいろな形で繰り返されていきました。しかもその80G/Sというマシンは、何かこれまでのボクの経験を根底から覆すほどのもの、そんな言葉があるのなら座右の1台、まさにこれがカルチャーショックというものでした。人生の方向を大きく変えていったのも、こうした出会いの繰り返しに他なりませんでした。
その年1987年つまり9回大会に、あなたはNXRに勝利を譲り3位でフィニッシュしたあとBMWはワークスの活動を終了しましたね。おそらく失意のうちにあなたは古巣のスズキにオファーを出し、DR-750Zを砂漠のラリーマシンに仕立てるため努力をしていた頃です。マシンは変わったものの、マルボロライダーの地位は変わらず、今世界を争う増岡選手もこの年あなたがクイックサポートとして、チームの予算を割いてパジェロで初出場させたのをボクは強烈に覚えています。しかも彼のマシンにはサポートパーツらしいものはほとんど積んでいなかったのも印象的でした。 「あのマシンは、あと2年あれば完璧なラリーマシンに仕立てられたのだ。」とこのあとのスズキの撤退が悔しかったと晩年にボクに話してくれました。
1999年ラリーレイドモンゴルにやってきたあなたと再会したのは、ソウルでした。数人の仲間と夜遅くまで飲んで騒いで、バーでぼったくられても、それさえも実に愉快で、こんなに楽しかった夜は、そうは無いといっても過言ではありませんでした。ウランバートルではXR400Rにライディングするや、お気に入りで「ホンダでレースに出たことがあるんだ」と言っていましたが、リップサービスなのか実際に記録があるのか不明なままです。 とにかくあなたはモンゴルが気に入ってくれました。モンゴルの風景ばかりか初期のパリダカを強く印象付ける運営が素晴らしいと、絶賛を送ってくれました。ラリーが終わってガストンを再び日本に呼んでミーティングをしたいとの申し出に、あなたはあまりにも簡単に快諾。ボクは関西空港までクルマを飛ばして迎えにいきました。そして毎年のように2人は国内をあっちこっちと頻繁に旅をしました。あなたを知る多くの人々は、あなたの偉業を讃える前に、あなたの素晴らしい人柄を讃えています。これほどフレンドリーで優しい人物をボクは知りません。
TDN2004に、どうしてもあなたは来たいと言って、ボク達を困らせました。ガンと闘っているあなたには、少し厳しいのではないかと思っていたからです。長崎のハウステンボスに菅原さんと現れたあなたを見たとき、新車のKTMと大量に届いていたライディングウエアに手を通しているあなたを見たとき、もうガンは問題ないのだろうと思ってしまいました。芦別のラリークロスで負傷したあなたを運んだ病院で、医師に今の病状の説明をしながら、ギリギリのがん治療の僅かな間隙を突いて来日して、そしてライディングしているのだということを知りました。 そしてボクが最後にあなたを見たのは、東京プリンスホテルのポーチで、迎えに来た菅原さんの奥さんのクルマに乗る後姿でした。そしてそれから1年もたたない2005年2月8日。 ボクたちは本当にかけがえのない人生の師であり、最愛の友を失いました。 その年のガストン・ライエ・ミーティングで黙祷を捧げるみんなのそばにあなたの気配を感じました。
2006年2月8日 山田 徹
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